Monday, March 7, 2011


Be prepared for the physical geography test this Wednesday!  Here is what you should be familiar with:

-layers of the earth (crust, mantle, inner core, outer core)

-have an idea of where each landform region is in Canada (the map we worked on in class)
-characteristics of each region (what they look like)
-human activity or resources found in the region (where do we find oil? lumber? minerals,etc)

-geological eras- what parts of Canada formed first and last (Canadian Shield to the Western Cordillera)-remember the short "film strip time-line we did in class)
-which era was longest, shortest, etc

-rock cycle
-what forces changed the landscapes (erosion, etc)

-understand how a volcano works and how to label it
-know the definitions to the terminology we looked at for volcanoes (lahar, pycroclastic, tephra, magma, lava, etc)

-be prepared to label diagrams that may include types of folding, faulting and earthquake activity
 -faulting (diverging, converging, subduction, rift valley, slip/strike)

Good luck!

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